Favorite Summer Dog Activities

Favorite Summer Dog Activities

I love my pet and I think summers are our favorite season. Summertime brings about warm weather and the opportunity to get out and do human-dog stuff together. My dog and I are a little weird because we do like to spend a TON of time together. Check out some of my favorite summer dog activities you will catch my us doing together in the summertime.

Favorite Summer Dog Activities

Playing catch

Eko, who is a mutt, LOVES playing catch. She’s so much fun to play catch with that it is actually a daily occurrence. Who can say no to a big fluffy dog that loves fetching? Although we haven’t mastered her throwing the Frisbee, it’s seriously one of the most fun things that we do together.

Long walks

It’s my mission to be as healthy as I can every day, which is why I love taking long walks. I surely don’t go on these long walks by myself. Instead, I take Eko with me and it’s an awesome time. Just having someone beside me as I take these walks makes me feel safer and it’s nice to chat. Although Eko has yet to say anything back, it’s a nice form of talking therapy for me from time to time.

Pup & Ma Spa Day

Some of you may laugh at the next favorite activity we do together just because I know you can relate. Eko has very thick hair because she is from the Northern reserve. In the summertime, we shave her and take her swimming to keep her cool. It’s so much fun to have a pup that LOVES to swim because it’s one of my favorite activities as well. The picture above is pre-shave and what Eko looks like after we go for one of our walks. 

Playing around

Of course, another activity that I know all dog owners can relate to is playing around. Eko and I can just play for hours. Whether it’s playing with one of her toys or just running around in the yard, it’s a fun time. It’s truly amazing how much fun playing with a dog can be. I know she has a great time because she comes up and licks me about a million times afterwards.


Favorite Summer Dog Activities

Enjoying a Snack

It’s no secret that I love to eat and Eko isn’t far behind me. One of the things we enjoy doing together is eating a snack. I usually grab an apple and a bottle of water and she has her Pup-Peroni snack. Pup-Peroni wants to help you beef up your summer more. I took the Pup-Peroni quiz to see what type of Beef Up Persona my dog has. She got Luxury Lapdog. While she loves to cuddle up on the couch, I do not think she is ‘luxury’. I wish the had a stinky lapdog category 🙂 Head over to the Beefing Up Summer on the Pup-Peroni Facebook Page and tell us about how you and your dog are beefing up summer!

You should go take the quiz and let me know what kind of Beef Up Persona your dog has. You can also sign up for a chance to win great prizes and a one-year supply of Pup-Peroni dog treats!

The post Favorite Summer Dog Activities appeared first on TOTS Family DIY, Recipes, Autism, Kids.