5 FREE Positive Parenting eBooks

If you are looking for a new parenting style, you will not want to miss out on any of these great freebies! Right now on Amazon you can download these handy Positive Parenting eBooks for FREE! These are great way to learn how to build confidence and self-respect in your child, how to love and show affection, , and more. The prices can change at anytime, so if you are interested in any of these FREE eBooks don’t wait to download them.

FREE Positive Parenting: Parenthood: Become the Parents that Children Loves to Spend Time With eBook

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

  • How to build a relationship with your child based on mutual respect, love and laughter
  • How to discourage bad behavior in a positive way
  • How to relate to your child on their level
  • How to build confidence and self-respect in your child
    through play
  • The importance of fun and imagination
  • How to play with your child and much more…


FREE The 55 Best Ways to Compliment Your Child: Building a Child’s Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence eBook

Most parents want the best for their children. They go through extensive lengths to provide them all the toys they desire and set rules that help them grow up. But occasionally, they don’t know what to say to a child. It doesn’t go anywhere beyond “Good job” or “Well don.” This book will give you insights concerning:

  • The impact of sincere compliments on the relationship
  • The domino effect uplifting comments create into adulthood
  • The expectations the child has
  • A long list of creative ways to compliment your children
  • How to boost your children’s self-esteem
  • How to make them realize their self-worth and increase their potential


FREE Parenting: The Childs Way For a Good Adulthood eBook

Have you ever stopped to listen to your children? Do you know what their dreams are? If you have then you will know that there are no limits to their dreams. Children can and will start thinking about their life goals from an early age.
Some may decide they want to become a doctor, a police officer or even a football player. Maybe they will want to be an astronaut or an actor. Some children may decide that they simply want to have a lot of money.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

  • Their Dreams
  • Positive Talking
  • Three Strategies for Teaching Children Self-Control
  • How to Raise a Leader
  • Social Issues: What Can Parents Do?
  • And Much, Much More!


FREE Positive Parenting: Positive Parenting Is Easier Than You Think eBook (Kindle Unlimited)

Most parents begin by using negative discipline which involves spankings or time out, but when they do not see the results that they expect, they are left confused and not understanding what they should do.

The answer is positive parenting. Positive parenting is parenting done right. It is a technique that is based on preparing your child for the future and looking for teachable moments in a child’s life. This book is going to teach you everything that you need to know about positive parenting so you can start using it today!


FREE Parenting: Raising Great Parents: The 7 Habits of Great Parents eBook

What makes a great parent? There is no clear-cut answer to this question. Great parents come in all shapes and sizes. They, however, share the same habits that make them the kind of parents that they are. In this book we shall be discussing seven things that great parents do differently, and it is my fervent hope that you can adopt these habits and be the best parents your child can ever have.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

  • How To Raise Yourself Before You Raise Your Kids
  • How To Think Win-Win
  • How To Seek to Understand First to Be Understood
  • How To Pay Attention
  • How To Love and Show Affection
  • Importance Of Quality Family Time
  • How To Make Parenting a Joyful Process

The post 5 FREE Positive Parenting eBooks appeared first on TOTS Family DIY, Recipes, Autism, Kids.